News & Updates



Dover Pool Reopening!

14th Annual Golf Tournament

The 14th Annual Golf Tournament presented by the Kings Mountain Family YMCA will be taking place on September 27th this year. More information regarding our tournament can be found HERE! This golf tournament has a huge impact on our Y because every time you tee off at our golf tournament you help provide financial assistance to ensure everyone has an opportunity to participate in YMCA programs. We hope to see you there!

Annual Board Meeting

A Snapshot of our Annual Board Meeting where we celebrated the great people & great work of the Y!


Founding Donors List

Dr. & Mrs. Mike Alexander 

Mr. & Mrs. Stan Anthony 

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Arey 

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arey 

Dr. & Mrs. Tom Bailey 

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bankhead 

Dr. & Mrs. David Barker 

Mr. & Mrs. John Barker 

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Beam 

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Bell 

Dr. & Mrs. John Billinsky 

Dr. & Mrs. Tom Blackburn 

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Blackley 

Dr. & Mrs. Shem Blackley 

Mr. & Mrs. Trip Boinest 

Dr. & Mrs. Frank Bonner 

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Bowling 

Dr. & Mrs. Doug Boyette 

Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Bralley 

Mr. & Mrs. Sandy Brenneman 

Mr. Danny Bridges 

Dr. & Mrs. Steven Brockman 

Mr. & Mrs. Doug Brown 

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brown 

Ms. France Bryce 

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bullock 

Ms. Juanita Burns 

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cabaniss 

Carolina Artisans 

Carolina State Bank 

Dr. & Mrs. Mark Cardell 

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Chambless 

Dr. & Mrs. Russ Cheaney 

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Chitty 

Mr. & Mrs. William Claytor Jr. 

Cleveland Federal Bank 

Cleveland Lumber 

Cleveland Mills 

Commercial Glass 

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Corn 

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cothran 

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Crawley 

Dr. & Mrs. John Crosland 

Mr. Mathon Culpepper 

Cummings – Legrand 

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dalton 

Mr. & Mrs. Jamey Davis 

Dr. & Mrs. Tom Davis 

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dedmon 

Dedmons Transit 

Dixie Industrial 

Doran Textiles 

Mr. Doug Dixon 

The Dover Foundation 

Mr. & Mrs. Barry Edwards 

Dr. & Mrs. Tom Ellis 

Rev. & Mrs. Walter Ellis 

Mr & Mrs Terry Eskind  

Dr. & Mrs. Brent Ferrell 

First National Bank 

First Union 

OE Ford, Co. 

Mr. Paul Francis 

Mr. & Mrs. C.L. Fox 

Dr. & Mrs. Bo Forrest 

The Gardner Foundation 

Mr. & Mrs. John Gardner 

Dean Garver 

Mr. & Mrs. Pete Gilbert 

John Godbold 

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Goforth 

Goforth Investments 

H Thomas Greene 

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Griffin 

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Griffin 

Mr. & Mrs. David Grose 

Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hamilton 

Ed Hamrick Properties 

Mr. Gordon Hamrick 

Harvey Hamrick, Jr. 

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Hamrick Sr. 

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Harand 

Mr. & Mrs. Julian Hamrick 

Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Hamrick 

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Harden, Jr. 

Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Harry 

Dr. & Mrs. Charles Hayek 

Mr. & Mrs. Mal Hendrick 

Mr. & Mrs. Robin Hendrick 

Hendrick Appliance 

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Holland 

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Holman 

Home Builders Association 

Honda Motor Cycles of Shelby 

Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Horn 

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Horn 

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Howell 

Mr. & Mrs. Hill Hudson 

Dr. & Mrs. Jack Hunt 

Hurst Emergency Products 

Iron Wind Corp 

J & E Sales 

Jefferson Smurfit 

Les Johnston 

Dr. & Mrs. Steven Jones 

Dr. & Mrs. Johnson Kelly 

Lackey Blue Real Estate 

Lamb Law Offices 

Dr. & Mrs. Charles Lampley 

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Laney 

Dr. & Mrs. Charles Langley 

Leasing Services 

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lee 

Mr. & Mrs. Bill LeGrand 

Mr. & Mrs. David LeGrand 

Mr. & Mrs. Dick LeGrand 

Mr. & Mrs. Gene LeGrand 

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart LeGrand 

Mr. & Mrs. Reid Lowery 

Lowes Corp 

Mr. & Mrs. Trip Mabry 


Mr. & Mrs. Travis Mangum 

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Martin 

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Martin 

Mr. & Mrs. Skip McCartney 

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon McLarty 

Mr. Buddy McKinney 

Dr. & Mrs. Avery McMurray 

Mr. & Mrs. Doug McSwain 

Mr. Mike Melton 

Mr. & Mrs. David Miller 

Dr & Mrs. Joe Minus 

Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Monroe 

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Morgan 

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Morrison 

Mr. & Mrs. Pete Newton 

One Hour Cleaners 

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Parker 

Mr. & Mrs. Herman Pauley 

Dr. & Mrs. Larry Pearson 

Mr. Tommy Pearson 

Mr. Don Peeler 

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Philbeck 

Mr. & Mrs. Graham Pitt 

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Plaster, Jr. 

Plastic Oddities 

Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Presson 

Mr. & Mrs. Kim Price 

Quality Insulating 

Dr. & Mrs. John Reynolds 

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ritchie 


Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Roberts 

Mr. & Mrs. David Roberts 

Robertson Controls  

Mr. & Mrs. Pat Rogers 

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Roland 

Mr. & Mrs Jim Rose 

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Roseboro 

Mr. David Royster, Jr 

Mr. & Mrs. David Royster, III 

Mr. & Mrs. Will Rucker 

Dr. & Mrs. Karel Rybnicek 

Dr. & Mrs. Paul Sarazen 

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sarazen  

Mr. & Mrs. John Schweppe 

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sechrest 

Shelby Auto Spa 

Shelby Eye Center 

Shelby Kiwanis Club 

Shelby Savings Bank 

Shelby Star 

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Sherwood 

Ms. Bobbie Simpson 

Mr. & Mrs. Danny Spake 

Spake Concrete 

Mrs. Eloise Spangler 

Mr. & Mrs. Pat Spangler 

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Spangler 

Mr. Charles Sperling 

Dr. & Mrs. Joel Spragins 

Dr. & Mrs. Bill Storey 

Dr. & Mrs. Farris Surratt 

Mr. J.L. Suttle 

Mr. & Mrs. Brock Taylor 

Mr. & Mrs. David Teddy 

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Teddy 

Til-Mar Textiles 

Mr. & Mrs. Butch Trice 

Dr William Varley 

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Waldrep 

Walker & Associates 

Mr. & Mrs. Skip Warrick 

Mr. & Mrs. Ed Webb III 

Whaley Carpet 

Mr. & Mrs. David White 

Dr. & Mrs. Jack Williams 

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Williams 

Williams Oil Co. 

Dr. & Mrs. Jim Wilson 

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wilson 

Wilson Real Estate 

Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Winecoff 

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Winstead 

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Witherspoon  

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wright 

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Young 

Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Young 

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Young 

Mr. & Mrs. Fields Young 

Legacy Society 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arey, Jr. 

Dr. and Mrs. Shem Blackley 

Mr. Doug Brown 

Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Corder  

Mrs. Doris Dedmon 

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dixon, Jr. 

Mrs. Tom Ellis 

Mr. and Mrs. John Godbold 

Mr. Larry Hamrick, Sr. 

Mrs. Sara Ellen Hamrick 

Mrs. Robin Hendrick 

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Holland 

Mr. Stuart LeGrand 

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Plowden 

Mr. Eddie Ramsaur 

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rhodes 

Ms. Lorene Rogers 

Mr. Pat Rogers 

Mrs. Patsy Rose 

Mr. Doug Shytles 

Mrs. Bill Story 

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Waldrep 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arey, Sr. (Deceased) 

Mr. Hoyt Q. Bailey (Deceased) 

Ms. Pauline T. Ellis (Deceased) 

Mr. Gordon Hamrick (Deceased) 

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Harry (Deceased) 

Mrs. Mildred Keeter-Davis (Deceased) 

Mrs. Jane Plowden (Deceased) 

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Porter (Deceased) 

Mr. Ellis Monroe (Deceased) 

Ms. Jayne Paksoy (Deceased) 

Leadership Circle $5,000+ 

Atrium Health 

Bill & Phyllis Plowden 

Catawba Indian Nation 

David & Marie Brinkley 

Dover Foundation 

Harriette & Dennis Beam Jr. 

John & Linda Godbold 

Paul & Margaret Porter Foundation 

Robert & Candy Arey 


Red Triangle Society $2,500+ 

Albemarle Corporation 

Becky Brown 

Bill & Pam Boone 

Cameron & April Corder 

Carolinas Golf Foundation 

David & Melissa White 

Frank & Flossie Bonner 

John & Sally Barker 

Kings Mountain Auto Sales 

Larry Hamrick, Sr.  

Larry & Judy Pearson 

Tommy Payne 

Vance Suttle & Nathalie Lavigne Fund 


President’s Club $1,000+ 

Alan & Lena McWhirter 


Beverly Elmore 

Boiling Springs TDA 

Bruce & Kay Putnam 

Butler’s Tire & Auto Service, Inc. 

Carolina Power Partners 

Carter Chevrolet 

Christopher Cheney 

Curtiss Wright 

Daniel & Jessica Talbert 

Dr. A. Mickey Church Family 

Edward Jones- Josh Shelton 

Emily & Don Yelton 

Eric & Cathy Moore 

First Baptist Church of Kings Mountain 

First Baptist Church of Rutherfordton 

Gardner-Webb University 

Groves Insurance Agency Inc. 

Hamp & Betty Hager 

Horn, Pack, Brown & Dow Law Firm 

Jada & Vince Rees 

JBC Builders 

Jennifer & Kevin Osborne 

Jolly Realty Group 

Kaitlyn Davis 

Kerns Trucking 

Lindsey Padgett 

Livent USA Corp 

Lorene Rogers 

Mark & Cynthia Pritchett 

Mike & Barbara Fitch 

Myra & Scoot Dixon 

Nancy Wages 

Neisler Foundation 

North Point Custom Builders 

Pepsi Beverage Company 

Personal Safety at Work JL McCormick Consulting 

Phil & Kathy Wallace 

R.L. & Debra Watson 

Ronald Hill  

Sallie Craig 

Sonny & Debbie Davis 


Stock, Garber, and Associates, Inc.  

The Venue at Turkey Ridge 

Turner Trucking Company 

University of North Carolina at Asheville 

Virginia & Dennis Huntley 

West Bend Mutual Insurance Company 


Chairman’s Round Table $500+ 

26 Fitness, Inc.  

Alan Norman 

Amber Wray 

American Gypsum 

Andrea Leslie-Fite 

Arvie & Bunny Bennett 

Barbara & Tom Blackburn 

Barbara Mull Investments Solutions 

Barry & Julia Hughes 

Bob & Martha Moore 

Boiling Springs Family Dentistry 

Boyte & Jean Lutz 

Brian Goff 

Brian Osteen 

Briggs Collision 

Britt, Melissa, Trace & Brock Phillips 

Bruce Mack 

Buren Vassey 

C.M. Tucker Lumber Companies LLC 

Chiropractic Health Associates 

Clark Dietrich Building Systems 

Danny & Paula Hipp 

David & Lydia Miller 

Eddie & Mona Hinson 

Emily & Alan Conner 

Erik & Meredith Smith 

First Tryon Advisors 

Flooring America 

Florrie & Larry Hamrick, Jr.  

Fred & Patti Hoyle 

Gypsum Management Supply 

Harry Puckett Foundation 

Lee & Helen Gilliatt 

Helena Yarbro 

Hendrick’s of Shelby 

Horn, Pack, Brown & Dow 

James & Page Morgan 

Jasmine & Adam Bullard 

Jay & Sandra Rhodes 

Johnny Searight 

Josh & Jessica Cathcart 

Katie Swanson 

Kent & Ann Russ 

Kevin & Sara Karner 

Kidzcare Pediatrics 

Kings Mountain Embroidery Company 

Linton & Sallie Suttle 

Little Big Sky Flowers 

Mark & Hayden Soloway 

Marvin & Katherine Hoyle 

Mary Accor 

Michael Dawson  

Mill Steel Framing 

My Zone 

Neisler Brothers, Inc 

Nelon-Cole Termite & Pest Control 

Nicola Dawson 

Paddock Construction Co., Inc.  

Pam Boyce 

Pamela Mitchell 

Parker Hannifin 

Parker Hannifin- Forest City  

Patti Abt 

Pepsi Beverage Company 

Pharr Technologies 

Rachel Cowan 

Richard & Linda Hooker 

Rick Hahn 

Russell & Sheila Spangler 

Sandie & Phil Dee 

Sherwin & Harry Washburn, Jr.  

SoftSense Data Inc.  


Steve & Diane Proffitt 

Teddy, Meekins & Talbert 

Tee & Amanda Burton 

Telling Industries 

Teresa Huggins 

Terry & Kelly Wallace 

Tiffany & Brandon Crank 

Tom & Faye Burton 

Truliant Federal Credit Union 

United Health Care 

United Way 

W & B Trucking Inc. 

Ware Industries